Microfiction: Another day

100 word story: Quarantine life


I open my eyes and everything around me is the same. What should I do today? I ask myself in a rhetoric manner. I know exactly what today will bring because it is the same as yesterday and it will be the same for tomorrow and so on. This will be the pattern for two weeks.  The same rituals in isolation. I do not mind so much the peace and the quite time to myself.  Drawing one moment and then yoga the next. Even thought it's repetitive I have come to know myself more. That’s what life in quarantine is like.



6 word story: Another day


Today was the same as yesterday.


Authors note: I drew inspiration from my current life in quarantine. I am fortunate enough to not have a  severe case of COVID as many others have been having which I am grateful for. The days in quarantine pretty much  seem the same. I have enjoyed having more time for myself and really spending time in my hobbies like yoga and drawing. I hope everyone is staying safe and keeping healthy.



One of my drawings of Falco that I haven't finished during my time in quarantine



  1. Wow! My favorite things to read right now are these microfictions, they are soooo good! I am so sorry to hear about your current situation in quarantine. I am glad that you aren't experiencing a severe case, but the isolation is insanely difficult I am sure. Your 6 word story is very profound, and I find myself relating a little bit too much even though I am not under a strict quarantine right now. I hope things get better here soon. Lovely drawing, by the way!

  2. Hey Emily! Stay strong I know you'll get through it, I know it can be tough at times I've heard from several friends its not a pleasant experience. I am really glad that you are not experiencing a severe case of it, so that is always something to be thankful for. Your story about being in isolation is really genuine and I can feel the emotion through it. The same thing, over and over again. At least you are able to do some of the things you like, and i am glad that you are looking at it in a positive light. Stay strong!

  3. Hi Emily,
    Your six word story was kind of funny, which I liked. It went well with the 100 word story. I like your drawing a lot, and it's good that you are still able to look for the proverbial silver lining of being cooped up at home all the time (having peace and quiet and time for introspection and practicing drawing and yoga). I'm glad you're finding ways to occupy yourself!


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