Feedback Thoughts


Feedback Art  

How To Tame Your Inner Critics: A Simple Habit to Rewire Your Brain

Personally, I really enjoyed this article. This article focuses on a simple science-based practice that the author calls REBS or Reality based self-congratulation. This practice is a simple method of focusing on your triumphs even if they seem small instead of your set backs and praising your achievements. In doing so, you can in a way rewire your brain and it can develop changes that exercise the less self -critical portion of your brain. Whats great about this is that it cost nothing and you can apply it in many parts of life like work, school, family, friends, and more. This was interesting to me because I have been trying something similar. When I start to feel overwhelmed I take a moment to meditate and tell myself that whatever is happening it seems big because its in that moment or I try to encourage myself. This has helped me tremendously! The important part is to practice it as much as you can so that its second nature to think that way. When you start believing in yourself big changes happen. I cant wait to start practicing more and adding in praises for my triumphs big or small.

What do Students Lose by Being Perfect? Valuable Failure 

I also found this article interesting and relatable. For me, sometimes when I feel overwhelmed with something I leave it off for last minute or dont even try. When it comes to new things and especially in front of people I would rather opt out to sit on the side lines and watch and keep quiet. After reading this article, I reflected on my own life and how ive been in school and in my community. Its hard to realize but I was never a risk taker! I still am not but I do want to work on it.  One example that came to mind was around 7th or 8th grade I joined the track team and I trained and practice with everyone up to the first game. I was a long distance runner and thinking about running, falling, doing something dumb, being last,  and losing overwhelmed me so I quit before the game. Reflecting on this story, it really made me sad because I bet if I would have stuck to it maybe I would be a little less scard of new things or that could opened the doors to me to face more new scary things. I cant wait to start this practice as well in my life! 

Thoughts on Feedback

Feedback ( giving and recieving) can be difficult. I personally struggle with giving honest feedback because I feel like I can hurt someone in process. I also struggle with being too hard on myself. Somethings that have helped me along the way is to be nicer and to accept failures as a learning process. I also learned that although its hard to tell someone when they made a mistake or a more practical/ efficient way of doing things is a necessary for anyone to grow. 

One thing that I  also recently started to apply to my everyday thinking is- The world is full of knowledge and you have an important decision to make. You have the decision to make about whats more important in your life, what you know or what you dont know. If you decide what you dont know is important and you apply that in your life then youre consistently learning and you can live every day with a little more knowledge. 

Another application is - you have a goal and the more you keep aiming for your goal even if you miss your aim might just get better in process! 

These 2 application are from lectures from Jordan Peterson, 12 rules for life! Highly recommend! 

12 rules for life in 20 minutes


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